The Centre for Domestic Employees (CDE) is an initiative of the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) set up in January 2016.
About the Migrant Domestic Worker Interview
MDW Interviews are conducted on Mondays to Fridays, 9am to 6pm, by appointment. Each interview session normally takes 45 minutes to 1 hour, but it may be extended. The interview seeks to understand how the MDWs are adjusting to their new working and living environment, and this will allow timely intervention, if necessary.
When the MDW is due for the interview, an invitation letter will be sent to the employer via post and email requesting the employer to book an appointment. All interviews are conducted in-person at one of our CDEConnect Centres.
If you:
1. Face difficulty finding a suitable date/timeslot, or
2. Face difficulty arranging for your MDW to come down to our centre due to caregiving needs for elderly/young children
You can contact CDE for assistance, on weekdays between 9am to 6pm, at least 3 working days before the scheduled appointment date:
Phone: 6303 6840 / 6303 6841
The interview is conducted only with your MDW, in full privacy. Any recording of the interview is not allowed.
Please note that if your MDW does not attend the interview, her Work Permit may be revoked.
For more information, please refer to
If you are sending us any letters or printed documents, pls mail to:
Centre for Domestic Employees c/o NTUC
NTUC Centre
1 Marina Boulevard
Level 10 One Marina Boulevard
Singapore 018989
With effect from 3 October 2021, we have closed the satellite office located in Peninsula Plaza. Should employers or migrant domestic workers need advice on employment-related matters, please call our 24-hour helpline at 1800 2255 233 (1800-CALL-CDE) or visit our Facebook page at to drop us a message.